Machines on the front tractor three-point linkage Knife roller ProCut Seedbed cultivator U382 Seedbed cultivator U659 Compact seedbed culitivator U684 Universal mechanical disc grain seed drill EasyPlant Pneumatic Precision Planter PrecisoAgri Disc harrow U693, U622, U645 Disc harrow U652 BigField system carrier 8,0 m Heavy stubble harrow U671/U671 PRO U497 universal crop cultivator Skimming cultivator (grubber) U453 Multifunction tillage culitivator U436 Mulch harrow (Mid-harrow, Straw harrow) SpringExpert Subsoiler U602 Subsoiler U608, U614, U619 Chisel plough / Subsoiler U624 Subsoiler with the coupler U632, U638 Rollers for field leveling and soil lumps breaking (Cambridge, Crosskill, Campbell) Roller for agricultural Rapeseed extensions manufactured by Claas, John Deere, New Holland and others Cutterbar trailer for Claas, John Deere, New Holland and other combine Stationary bale wrapping machine Self-loading bale wrapping machine Z259 / Z287 Grain crushers Snow plough Agricultular machinery spare parts